Pet Grooming Services in Dallas

Our talented groomers can give your dog the new 'do' you've been searching for. At Odyssey, you can meet with and request your favorite groomer. Grooming services are available Monday-Saturdays.
We only use all-natural shampoos & conditioners, free of parabens and harsh chemicals.
Rabies, Distemper, & Bordetella vaccines are required for all grooming services.
Please call 972-407-1166 for a quote.
It is not recommended. Grooming, no matter how many times your pet has been groomed, can still be stressful even though we make every effort to make them as comfortable as possible. Think of it like a trip to the dentist. It's not too fun and can even make you nerv-ous. When you get nervous, you want to use the restroom. So, you get the idea.
We do not groom aggressive dogs. However, in our experience, we have seen previously aggressive dogs get along better with a certain groomer. Sometimes we get along better with certain people. The same goes for dogs. We can give it our best shot, but if your dog tries to eat our groomer, we will have to call you to come pick them up.
We try to get grooming clients out within 3-4 hours. But, sometimes there are some pets that take longer than normal, putting us behind for the rest of the day. We will call you when your dog is ready. You may then pick them up anytime before store closing. Potty breaks are given every 4 hrs. We also offer an "express groom" for $20 extra in which we will get your dog out within 2 hrs.
Yes! We discount daycare to $10 if purchased the same day as the grooming appointment.
It's recommended to wait until all the vaccinations have been given which is about 4 months old. Until then you can get your pet used to being groomed by brushing your pet at home and playing with their ears & feet.
Yes. Sometimes we book up a couple days in advance. If you want to request an "express groom" or a certain groomer, please let us know when you make your appointment.
We never sedate pets. If your dog has been known to have a strong behavioral reaction to grooming or bathing, please advise us. If a pet is truly uncooperative or made uncomforta-ble by the process, we might end the session — but we will never sedate your pet.
Matts often occur in medium to long-haired dogs in areas of friction, such as under the collar, behind the ears, in the armpits, or on the lower legs where the legs rub together or where the dog comes into contact with grass. Neglect and lack of grooming also cause tangles & knots. Regular brushing is key. If matts become too tight to the skin, it can be-come painful for the dog & restrict oxygen . When matting becomes this bad, we need to remove the matts by shaving them off. Skin may be irritated and unforeseen problems may be exposed after a shave down. We will communicate all of our findings to you & will be more than happy to show you which brush & brushing technique will be best for your dog.
Contrary to what you may have been previously taught, the current advice from veterinary dermatologists is that plucking ear hair can do more harm than good. Rather than prevent ear infections, this procedure can actually create a greater likelihood of infection by damag-ing the tender inner ear tissue and allowing a foothold for bacteria to thrive. By plucking hair it opens up the follicles, causing trauma to the ear canal. This allows bacteria & yeast to settle deep into the tissues, contributing to infections. YES, damp ears can breed infec-tion, but water is not the cause of the problem. Bathing with clean water will NOT cause ear infections. Bacteria and yeast are the cause. At Odyssey, we use cleaning solution to remove debris. Unless the hair in the ears is matted, we leave it alone. We will not pluck or deep clean infected or sore ears! That is vet territory. If you would like us to pluck your pet's ears anyway, please let us know at the time of drop off.
We love all of our happy customers from local areas near us including Dallas, Addison, Richardson, Plano, Carrollton, Garland, Frisco, and more!