Unprocessed is always better than processed right? That's just one of the reasons why a raw diet is best for dogs and cats. Raw food is essentially the meat, organs, bone, and veg ground up, frozen, and packaged for you. It is the most biologically appropriate for canines and felines.

Benefits of a  raw diet:

-Tooth plaque no longer a problem

-Increased vitality

-Increased immunity

-Allergies clear up

-No breath or body odor

-Very little stool

-Shiny, healthy skin & coat

-Less shedding

-Improved digestion

-Sustains healthy joints

-Extended & better quality of life


But, I’ve heard……

-Some vets have said dogs & cats cannot digest raw meat. This is not true. Dogs & cats are designed to eat raw.

-Salmonella will harm my pet.

Dogs & cats have different digestive systems than us and can handle salmonella if they were to be exposed. But, all of our prepared raw diets have been tested and retested for salmonella so there’s no need to worry.  Sidenote: You should always wash your hands after handling raw food anyway.


-If you can feed a raw diet exclusively, you rock! If you’re not up to it, any raw supplemented to your pet’s diet will be beneficial. Be sure not to mix raw and kibble at the same meal though; it’s hard to digest that way. Feed raw for breakfast and kibble for dinner or vice versa.

-Do not microwave or heat the food! That kills off nutrition and enzymes. Instead, defrost on the counter for 20 minutes or defrost 2-3 days worth of food at a time in the fridge, then feed.

-Any amount of raw you can fit in your pet's diet will be beneficial. You don't have to go "all-in" to reap the benefits of raw feeding.

All of our foods are balanced and guaranteed!

Give it a try. Your pet will thank you.