At Odyssey Pets, we want dogs and cats to live their best lives. Unfortunately, many pets are packing a few too many pounds these days. But don’t worry! We’re here to help with some natural and effective ways to get your pet back in shape. So, let’s explore why it’s bad for your pets to be overweight and how we can help them slim down with fresh food and playful exercise.

Why Being Overweight is a No-Go for Pets

First off, let’s talk about the heavy stuff (pun intended). When pets carry extra weight, it’s more than just a wardrobe malfunction; it’s a health issue.

Health Risks

  1. Diabetes: Just like us, pets can get diabetes when they pack on too many pounds. Think of it as your pet having too many treats and not enough treadmills.
  2. Heart Disease: Extra weight makes their little hearts work overtime, and no one likes overtime.
  3. Joint Problems: Carrying extra weight is like your pet walking around with a backpack full of bricks. Not fun, right?
  4. Respiratory Issues: More weight = more fluff, less puff. Breathing becomes a chore.
  5. Shortened Lifespan: Sadly, those extra pounds can shave years off your pet’s life, which means fewer belly rubs and fetch games.

Is Your Pet Fit or Fat?

Before we jump into the weight loss tips, let’s figure out if your pet is fit or fat. Odyssey Pets now has a scale and body condition chart that you can use for free! Here are some quick tips:

  1. Rib Check: You should be able to feel your pet’s ribs without pressing too hard. If it feels like there’s a layer of marshmallows over them, it’s time to hit the gym.
  2. Waist Test: When viewed from above, your pet should have a noticeable waist. If they’re more sausage-shaped than svelte, it’s time for action.
  3. Tummy Tuck: Check for a tucked-up tummy when viewed from the side. If their belly sags like a hammock, it’s time to tighten things up.

Shedding the Pounds Naturally

Alright, now let’s get into the fun part—helping your pet lose weight naturally. No crash diets or extreme workouts required!

Fresh, Balanced Diet

  1. High-Quality Protein: Protein is your pet’s best friend. It helps build muscle and keeps them full. By-products are NOT high quality proteins. Preferably, look for muscle meat and organs from a reputable brand that is sourcing ethically.
  2. A Quick Note on “Fat”: Dogs and cats process fat and turn it into energy unlike us humans who take carbs and turn it into energy. On the flipside, carbohydrates will just turn into fat on our furry friends. So, when you’re looking to take off some pounds on your pets, DON’T look for lowfat (unless they have a condition like pancreatitis).
  3. Fruits and Vegetables: Low in calories and high in fiber, fruits and veggies are like the superhero sidekicks of your pet’s diet. Try blueberries, carrots, and green beans. They’re like nature’s candy! Do not exceed 20% of your pet’s diet in the fruit and veg department. Their bodies don’t need it and it’ll make them gassy J
  4. Avoid Processed Foods: If your pet’s food list looks like a chemistry exam, ditch it. Opt for whole foods or homemade meals that you’d actually recognize. A great rule of thumb for YOU and your pet is if you can’t recognize an ingredient, it probably shouldn’t be consumed. Quick Note: Any amount of fresh food (the raw or gently cooked foods we have at Odyssey or homemade foods) added to your pet’s diet is going to be beneficial. We get that not everyone is ready to quit the kibble so start small and you’ll still be able to see the difference it makes!
  5. Portion Control: Think of portion control as your pet’s personal bouncer—keeping the party in check. Use a measuring cup and feed smaller, more frequent meals to keep the munchies at bay. Furthermore, the recommendations on commercial pet food bags are just that….recommendations. Adjust up or down as needed for your dog or cat’s physical lifestyle. If they’re very active, they’ll need more calories. If they lounge around, they’ll need less.
  6. Natural Supplements: Fish oil for metabolism and probiotics for digestion—think of them as your pet’s secret weapons in the battle against bulge.

Exercise and Physical Activity

  1. Daily Walks: Regular walks are a must for dogs. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day. For cats, consider leash training if they’re feeling adventurous—or just give them a good chase with a laser pointer.
  2. Playtime: Play is exercise in disguise. Fetch, tug-of-war, and agility courses for dogs, and laser pointers, feather wands, and climbing trees for cats.
  3. Swimming: If your dog loves water, swimming is a fantastic, low-impact exercise. No speedos required.
  4. Scheduled Exercise: Short bursts of activity throughout the day can keep your pet’s metabolism humming. Think quick play sessions or impromptu dance parties.


Helping your pet shed those extra pounds can be a fun and rewarding journey. At Odyssey Pets, we’re dedicated to providing natural, holistic solutions to keep your pet healthy and happy. With a fresh, balanced diet and regular exercise, your pet will be on their way to a healthier weight in no time.

So, come on down to Odyssey Pets and take advantage of our complimentary scale and body condition chart. Let’s work together to make sure your furry friend is fit, not fat, and ready for a lifetime of belly rubs, playful antics, and, most importantly, good health.